Addition for Class 1 | Free Worksheets

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For Class 1, they introduce little in-depth addition concepts. Kids learn addition using various categories. By giving regular practice kids can understand the addition concept more quickly. Let’s see the various category to teach addition.

Basics of addition

Picture and number addition are the basics of addition. Practice your kids with counting the objects. They can rapidly pick up addition if they are very good at counting. While starting the addition concept for class 1 kids, just revise counting and picture addition.

Read More: Addition worksheets for kindergarten

Category of addition

Number Line Addition

A number line is a line with numbers marked on it.


Using the number line, add 6 and 2.

To add 6 and 2, start from 6 and take 2 jumps forward. You reach 8. So. 6+2 = 8.

Horizontal Addition

Write the numbers one beside the other and add.


3      +      5    =      8

///  +  ///// = ////////

Vertical Addition

Write the numbers one below the other and add.


Add 7 and 6.

 Counting by fingers

Start introducing finger addition from 0-9, single-digit numbers.

Role of Zero in addition

Zero added to any number gives the same number.

Order in Addition

While doing addition, if the order of the number is changed, the answer does not change.

Ones and Tens Place Addition

Addition of a two-digit number with a single-digit number (without regrouping). Place the digits in tens (T) and ones (O) places. write the + sign. Add the digits in the ones place. Add the digits in the tens place.

Addition of a two-digit number with a two-digit number (without regrouping). Place the digits in tens (T) and (O) places. Write the + sign. Add the digits in the ones place. Add the digits in the tens place.

Read More: Subtraction worksheets for kindergarten kids

Word Problems

In Word Problems the addition question is explained in sentences.


There are three birds on a tree. Two more birds join them. how many birds are there in the tree now?

Number of birds on the tree               =     3

Number of birds that joined them    =  + 2

Total number of birds                         =      5

Download Worksheets

  • Finger addition
  • Numberline addition

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